Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Will the Rain Ever Stop?

Here in Massachusetts, it has rained for 5-6 days now. We had a small break today, and I actually saw some blue sky. Unfortunately, the clouds swept in and we had another shower. The garden is looking okay, everything continues to grow. After all this rain and the fertilizer we put down on the lawn it will grow like gangbusters once we have sunshine again. The birds have been actively feeding, and I have been good about getting out to fill the feeders, that is in between sessions of pumping water out of the basement.

I finished up Down the Garden Path over the weekend. Even though I haven't been able to get out there and work I appreciated Nichols when he wrote, "A gardener is never shut out from his garden, wherever he may be. Its comfort never fails....he can still wander in his garden, does he but close his eyes (p.287)." What a comforting idea that is. He concludes his book with a note that he plans to continue to write books "under titles which will make you think that they have nothing to do with gardening at all. But they will have everything to do with gardening (p.290)." Thank goodness for public libraries, I have been able to request another of Nichols' books through the interlibrary loan service. I look forward to reading more about his adventures in the garden.

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