Monday, August 05, 2013

August Morning

Geraniums on the
front door steps
This morning the quality and angle of the sunlight reminds me more of September than early August. There are those days that sneak in and remind me that fall is on its way and so to the return to school. There's plenty of summer still to go and more often than not there are some very summer-like days in September.

Over night there was a rain shower and the soil is still moist. When I first looked out the window, I could catch the sparkle of a left over raindrop hanging here and there on a leaf. Plus there was a chill in the air brought by a breeze. Not a gentle breeze but a blustery one that comes with a change in the weather fronts. The air is drier and cooler as it comes sweeping down to us from Canada. I even had to put on a long sleeve shirt before stepping out for my morning walk.

I soon warmed up as I worked at the endless task of doing battle with the weeds in my garden. Time to cut back the yellowing spiderwort and iris leaves. Soon it will be clearing, composting, and bedding down for winter. But long before that there is still sun to be soaked up, vacation to enjoy, and a ton more weeds to pull.

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