It's weeding time! Previously, I had complained about the weeds and not knowing what they were called . A little time spent searching the Internet resulted in my discovering that this beauty is called Carpet Weed. It is aptly named as it is making a carpet of itself in the sunniest part of the garden and in the lawn. It is rather hard to dig up, the larger the plant the easier it is to grab a hold of and pull out of the ground. So between this stuff, the maple saplings which are sprouting (a had a stern talk with the chipmunks, they simply are not pulling their weight, they must eat the seeds faster so they don't have a chance to germinate), and the crab grass sprouts I have some work cut out for me.
If you are curious there are a couple of good web sites about garden weeds such as: www.weedalert.com and www.garden.org (the National Gardening Association's site)which has a weed indentifier link. This last site also has a neat plant finder where you can specify the type of plant, its color, height, growing needs and the finder will suggest plants that might work well in your garden.
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